Raised so far
Our goal
Why donate to Good360?
For every $5 donated, Good360 will deliver $100 of brand new goods to people in need, and help spread joy to flood affected Australians this Christmas.
2022 has been another tough year for many, due to unprecedented flood events, which have affected hundreds of thousands of Australians across five states since February this year. This, combined with the ongoing impact of COVID-19 has seen many people who would not normally ask for help, struggling to make ends meet. Christmas can be a very challenging time creating extra pressure and stress on family budgets and exasserbating loneliness and isolation for others.
With over consumption rife during the holidays, Grant Samuel have aligned with Good360 to create the antidote to 'Christmas getting' by offering the option to give back and create 20 times the impact this silly season.

Good360 are Connectors
At Good360 we are connectors. We connect charities, schools and society’s most vulnerable with businesses willing to donate unsold or surplus goods, services and disaster recovery essentials. Our mission is to ensure the excess goods and services businesses produce every year flow to people in need rather than going to waste.
The result is a Circle of Good that reduces need and waste in our communities at the same time so everyone benefits – from people to the planet.