Your donation can gift a future for people and our planet this EveryOne Day. Every $1 gives $20 of brand-new goods to people in need around Australia.

* Any donation over $2 is tax-deductible 

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Please select a donation amount

$25 can provide $500 of clothing and shoes to people experiencing homelessness
$50 can give $1,000 worth of hygiene products
to a family in need
$100 can provide $2,000 worth of laptops and data to help students being left behind stay connected and keep up with the digital world
$250 can provide a $5,000 furniture package to flood-ravaged families.

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Everyone deserves to start school on an equal footing

Muhammad* was embarrassed having to bring his lunch box and drink bottle to school in a plastic shopping bag each day...

Everyone deserves to make a house a home

Mabel* had to restart her life with nothing but the clothes on her back after leaving an unsafe home environment...

Everyone deserves the ability to feel clean

With the rising cost of living Ronald* has lost his home, and like many others is now experiencing homelessness...

Every child deserves to feel the joy of a new toy

Mia* loves to build and create. But spending so many days and weeks of her life in hospital has meant that new toys are scarce...