Millions of people all around Australia just like you have received assistance in the form of brand-new homewares, clothing, education supplies, toys, hygiene supplies, and more.

Here are just a few of their stories.


Everyone deserves to start school each year on an equal footing.

Muhammad* was embarrassed having to bring his lunch box and drink bottle to school in a plastic shopping bag each day. All he wanted was to fit in and have a "real bag" just like all of his friends do.

Then one day he came to school and was given a wonderful surprise - his teachers were able to give him his very own backpack! He couldn’t believe he could actually keep the bag and take it home for himself.

Your support can give kids like Muhammad access to these essential school supplies like books, backpacks, and even laptops, to help them excel in school. Give the gift of knowledge today.

*Name has been changed for privacy


Everyone deserves access to the goods that make a house a home. Mabel* had to restart her life with nothing but the clothes on her back after leaving an unsafe home environment. Trying to make ends meet day to day was a struggle, and not having a working fridge made keeping a supply of fresh food for her and her 2 kids nearly impossible.

Generous donations like yours meant that Mabel was able to receive a life changing gift of a brand new fridge, to ensure her and her children were able to keep fresh food at home at all times.

Your support can give Australians like Mabel and her children the essential goods like whitegoods, furniture, bedding, and clothing they need to live safely and thrive as they rebuild their lives.

*Name has been changed for privacy


With the rising cost of living and the pressure of rising rents, Ronald* has lost his home and like many others is now experiencing homelessness.

People like Ronald often have to make the choice between buying food each day and buying basic hygiene items. No matter what their circumstances, everyone deserves access to hygiene essentials so they can feel clean and stay healthy.

Your support can give people like Ronald access to essential hygiene packs, including toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, soap, and shampoo. Simple things that they need to live their lives with confidence and dignity.

*Name has been changed for privacy


Every child deserves to feel the joy that comes with a brand new toy, that is just for them.

Bella* loves to build and create. But spending so many days and weeks of her life in hospital has meant that new toys are scarce.

Her parents have had to stick to a tight budget to make sure they can meet all of the family’s other needs. Mortgage, electricity bills, insurance, on top of assorted medical fees, have meant that there is just nothing left for gifts and toys.

But now that can change. Thanks to generous people like you, Bella can feel the joy of being given brand new toys, including plastic construction block sets, that are hers to keep. Both at home and in the hospital she can spend her time building and creating, making her own little worlds.

Your support doesn’t just give toys, it gives freedom, joy, and hope.

*Name has been changed for privacy

There are hundreds of thousands of similar stories like these found in every state and territory of our beautiful country.

You can choose to make a difference in their lives today and give the gift of a future to people and our planet.